PACMAN re-mastered
It all started when we were asked to re imagine the game play of the most famous classic game insuring that it fundamentally remains the same.
Initially we thought to give power-up to pacman so that he can defend himself against villains.
Then we made a user survey to know about the preferences of the users. Like how often they play game,platform preferences, do they like 2D or 3D game, and what do they think about the current version of pacman.
From the responses of the survey we had the following inferences:
95% of the responses reflected that users play games often. Users equally prefer mobile and desktop version. 3/4th of the users prefer 3D gameplay. But the ambiguity was, 60% of the users were satisfied with the current version of pacman but at the same time when asked if they wanted to see new power-ups in the game, 70% responded with a “Yes”.
Taking in consideration the recommendations that were given in the survey.
We changed the 2D gameplay to 3D. Seeing the response of the user for the preference of platform being almost 50–50 for desktops and mobiles; we decided to focus on both the platforms.
We came up with a idea that, let pacman run for a cause. With an increase in global warming why not let pacman be the hero to take a run and save the Earth.
Imagine a person. A regular person who has to face the current real-life problems same as others. A person who has the same villain in his life as everyone else present on earth. This villain is none other than Global Warming.
And this person is no ordinary person either, he’s our beloved hero Pacman.
Pacman cares about his health, he cares about the mankind, he cares about our Mother Earth, and most importantly he cares about the future generations. Pacman has decided to take an action against this evil by cleaning up the entire Earth. He is on his quest to clean up all the garbage from Earth.
But in his mission, he is faced by various Agents of Global Warming. They are Deforestation, Fossil Fuels consumption, Greenhouse gases and Pollution and are present everywhere throughout the world. These are our enemies and thus, they must be eliminated.
But Pacman is not alone in his quest. Various great minds around the globe have made their contribution towards the great goal of saving humanity. Pacman must use these inventions like cleaner fuels, more efficient technologies in-order to tackle these agents. Pacman shall also plant multiple trees to gain advantages over the Agents.
Greenhouse gases, Pollution, Deforestation, Fossil-fuel consumption
Cherry: Collect this and double your score for next 15 sec.
Nut: Collect this to reset all the enemies to their starting point.
Bolt: Collect this to increase the speed.
Oxygen cylinder: Collect this to kill all your enemies.
At the end pacman is the global hero encouraging people towards a cleaner and healthier environment.